Once the landscaping process has been completed, the next course of action is usually making the area more hospitable to people of all ages. One of the primary means through which this is accomplished is by adding playscapes & picnic areas to the natural scenery, usually placing them on the grass itself. This invites people to spend more time on the lawn and enjoy the beauty of their surroundings while also creating a better human environment overall.
Picnic areas have always been a popular and welcome addition to any park. Larger parks will often offer reservations for those looking to picnic there, but picnic areas can also be added to smaller private properties looking to increase their warmth and socializing options. The picnic area can be something as simple as a wooden table with a couple of benches, or it can be part of a meticulously developed exterior design.
Playscapes are parts of a landscape that are reminiscent of playgrounds in some way, but revolve less around physical activity and more around socializing. They are often designed with children in mind but can just as easily feature adults engaging in fun and social activities. As there is less of an emphasis on physical activity, playscapes won’t have as much recreational equipment as a playground, but a combination structure with slides and climbers can sometimes be present. Unlike playgrounds, playscapes put a lot of emphasis on the harmony of the environment and all the objects included.
They often feature a natural theme and are meant to bring those visiting the area closer to nature by offering various activities whose participants are primarily children, such as playing in the sand or climbing logs. Natural playscapes will often exclude any objects not found exclusively in nature, in part because they are often visited for therapeutic purposes in order to improve one’s focus and concentration and even battle certain mental illnesses.
Owing to the absence of potentially dangerous structures that are found in playgrounds, playscapes are advertised as a safer alternative, especially when adult supervision is not possible at all times. A playscape in which children can play in that also features a picnic table for the adults to eat and socialize around as part of a landscape fulfills the needs of the entire family and will have everyone leaving feeling nourished and satisfied. It’s unlikely that any urban environment can reproduce the experience of a day in nature, especially when a social aspect is added to it.