Landscaping Plants
Let’s talk about plants. Every customer who calls for a New Braunfels landscaping quote usually asks for low maintenance, low water, hardy plants. They want a plant that can take our summer heat and winter extremes while withstanding drought and lack of proper care. The one solution to their problems is actually very simple but yet sometimes not inviting. It can be summed up in one word: Native. That’s right, native (or adapted) plants. But what some landscaper call native is not native at all.
Native Plants
For example, Bottlebrush bush. It is on various nurseries and landscapers list of Texas native plants. The fact of the matter, it is native to Australia, not Texas. This was obvious after the last two winter freezes. Numerous customers had either burnt bottlebrushes tips or lost entire stems and plants. When trying to prune the death from the bush, the plant suffers from permanent disfigurement and the shape will never truly be natural. This goes for Oleanders too. Oleanders were either badly damaged during our two cold snaps this winter or froze to death. Again, they are not native to Texas, yet, adapted. However, not adaptable enough to withstand extreme cold.
Wildlife Plants
Native plants are a wonderful attribute to any landscape. It not only brings natural beauty but also provides food and ecological environment to our Texas wildlife. One vital creator for which needs immediate habitat protection is our honey bees or even bees in general. Bees are so vital to pollination and the reproduction of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Oh, and honey too. When we choose plants, it is essential that we look not only at what the plant can do for our landscape but also for our native inhabitant.
Landscaping Design
As the landscape designer for Liberty Lawn & Landscaping Inc., I strive to build my designs around both the customer and the native environment. Pleasing the eye is a key element in my designs but it is truly about the essence of the customer’s environment and habitation. By utilizing the environment, I build an 85% – 100% native-based plant design to establish a low maintenance, low water, hard landscape. One of my favorite tools is a plant guide published by the City of Austin through Texas AgriLife Extension office. The Earthwise guide is titled, “Grow Green: Native and Adapted Landscape Plants.”
Native and Adaptable
This guide is fundamental, yet, a basic tool for all Native plant information. From the size, light requirement, seasonal growth, color, water, wildlife, and maintenance, this guide sheds light on the value and placement of our Native/Adapted plants. It can be found online or purchased at various nursery locations in and around the Austin area.
For a magnificent and ideal landscape, call Liberty Lawn & Landscaping Inc. today. Trust me, you won’t regret it.